We are a multi-disciplinary group united by our shared goals to collaborate with people working across agri-food supply chains, and to centre the voices and expertise of marginalised farmers, fishers and foresters.

We are particularly interested in expanding and interrogating the role of gender in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and are keen to trouble the dominant focus on cis women as the key marginal population within farming policy.

This website is a hub which hosts our work and collaborations including peer reviewed work, as well as community based projects, communications and outreach, as well as the work of collaborator organisations and communities across Oceania.

Our Projects

The projects of our members cover a wide range of geographic areas, themes and methodologies.

We are united by a shared interest in the ways in which policy, research, local cultures and regulatory structures understand, engage with, produce and reproduce gendered systems.
see our work here

Our Members

Our members come from diverse areas of research and policy including regional and urban water infrastructure, subsistence fisheries, gender and rural development, agronomics and environmental feminisms.

We work across many diverse disciplines including Sociology, Anthropology, Law, Human Geography, Business, Marine biology and across the Environmental and Rural Sciences.
We are interested in expanding and interrogating the role of gender in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and are keen to trouble the dominant focus on cis women as the key marginal population within farming policy.

Sign-up and stay in touch

To keep up to date with the work of the Collective, join us for events and workshops sign up to our occasional newsletter, you can also let us know if you have an event, publication or announcement you’d like us to circulate!
Thank you! We will be in touch.
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